晶世科技是comtech 集团(nasdaq上市公司)成员。我们的使命是提供给客户优秀的工程技术,公平合理的价格以及毋庸置疑的高质量服务。我们提供的工程技术服务除在嵌入式操作系统外,更专注于数字流媒体等软硬件技术以及相关解决方案,为客户创造最大化的价值。 <br><br>我们管理团队的领导者在中美两地的计算机领域均具备多年丰富技术管理经验;我们的技术团队成员现分布在各个国际知名企业,例如微软,hp,cingular, and texas instruments.<br><br>另外,晶世科技是微软在中国的重要合作伙伴。设立了微软的专业实验室,致力于流媒体软件,数字化产品,商用软件,以及微软专业化测试工具等多方面领域的工作;并曾经与微软美国总部人员一起推动微软硬件产品从概念到大规模生产的进程;目前我们凭借着高素质的研发团队及具有windows/win ce 及流媒体方面的专家,采用自主知识产权的核心技术,设立了无线实验室及流媒体实验室,皆在利用优秀的管理,高水准的研发,为我们的客户带来最大化的利益。<br><br>伴随公司规模的逐步扩大与业务发展需求,北京分公司与上海分公司成立于2004 年8月;迄今为止,晶世科技已在香港,美国,北京上海均建立分支机构,并与microsoft,equator,infogation,broadcom,utstarcom,华为等多家世界一流企业广泛开展技术与市场方面合作。<br><br>如果您具有聪明的头脑;坚韧不拔与追求完美的精神<br>如果你致力于发展成为一名优秀的高级技术型管理人才<br>那么就请加入我们晶世科技大家庭,我们诚挚的欢迎您<br>我们坚信公司的成长,成功与发展,您的力量将会是不可或缺的一部分。<br><br>gems lab corporation is a subsidiary of comtech, a public traded nasdaq company. our mission is to provide our clients with excellent engineering services at cost-effective prices, without compromising high quality. we offer engineering services on embedded systems especially in mobility and digital video streaming solutions, including software and hardware. <br><br><br>our management team at gems lab corporation are leading experts in the it industry and have many years of management experience in the united states and china. our team members have worked at companies such as microsoft, hp, cingular, and texas instruments. <br><br><br>in addition, gems lab corporation is one of the most important partners for microsoft asia center for software in china, and setting up ms specialty labs for media software work, such as digital products, business software, developing, testing, etc. we and personnel from ms hq push microsoft software and hardware products process from concept to large-scale producing together in order to launch top-ranking products to market much sooner. simultaneously we've set up wireless labs and media labs with our high-qualified development teams and experts who are rich experienced in window ce and media in order to bright our clients much more profits.<br><br><br>with rapid development in our scale and business, beijing and shanghai offices have been established in aug., 2004. till now, gems branches have covered hongkong, usa, beijing and shanghai, we've cooperated with microsoft, equator, infogation, broadcom, utstarcom in technology and market.<br><br><br>standard testing flow and management, and full of temptation environment make you feel advanced known it management and atmosphere!<br><br><br>if you are smart, responsible and pursuing excellence;<br><br><br>if your interest is beginning at becoming an excellent program developer;<br><br><br>come on join us! we are looking for you!<br><br><br>公司地址:<br>北京市海淀区北四环西路56号辉煌时代大厦9层<br>9f, splendid times tower no.56 north fourth ring west road haidian district beijing, , p.r.c<br><br>上海:长宁区娄山关路85号东方国际大厦a座1301室<br>room 1301,tower a, orient international plaza,no.85,loushanguan road. changning district,shanghai..prc<br><br>深圳:南山区科技园高新南一道飞亚达大厦<br>suite 1501 east,flyta building,high-tech industrial park,nanshan,shenzhen,,prc<br><br>晶世科技(深圳)有限公司关于招聘事宜的声明<br> <br>鉴于近日有人冒用晶世科技(深圳)有限公司之名义,向外发出招聘、电话面试及录用通知,其目的不祥。我公司特此声明,我公司未在广东省除深圳以外的地区(如:韶关)授权任何组织或个人进行招聘活动。凡冒用我公司名义招聘或录用员工的行为皆涉嫌违法。同时提醒各位应聘者慎重对待各种招聘信息,谨防上当。如对招聘信息有任何疑问,请与我公司人力资源部进行核实。(公司电话:or/邮件:hr@gemslab.com)